Rabu, 24 November 2010

life is short

now here i am ,
typing for what im thinking about.
i just remember , life is just too short for people like us,

15 years and i still think that i wasted my times , my short lifes with a lot of things that very borrrriiiing .

in past , like 8 years ago . my dad passed away ,and he still 36 years old.
im still in 2nd grade . and i still cant believe that ,
he handsome and awesome
he is my superhero
and he was my future husband ,

nobody can choose their life,
nobody can make her own destiny .
every single way that i do is also usefull but thats not effective actually
we can see , people on the road ,
people who sleep with no bed ,
no respect
and no love.

maybe those people cannot make their own destiny
but if they can make their life better, but i think that they just dont get it , how is life things, this THING work
they just regret ,
they just gave up .
they dont understand how to make their life better

and now , they sleep in the cold dark side,
without no bed, no stories , no blanket, no kiss, no love, no food, no money , and hopeless

thats why i want to say to all of you who read this
maybe we cant make our own destiny , but if we try we can make it better
so dont you ever gave up and surrender
we just have to keep our passion to make it stronger

i believe that everybody can do it.
just keep trying people.

xoxo , WD

Senin, 15 November 2010


oke ak cm mau sharing aja tentang hidup ku .
duniaku , dan pandanganku

mungkin di pandangan orang lain aku itu berkesan bahagia, mewah dan seneng terus
tapi mereka ga tau di balik semua itu terkadang aku nangis , sedih , nglamun dll
kita tu harus mensyukuri .i know .
tapi kadang hidup itu sakit ya , bener kata bapak sosio ,
"hidup itu buruk, hidup itu indah , hidup itu buruk tetapi bisa menjadi indah apabila kita berusaha."
aku kadang bsa seneng banget bisa ketawa banget sama temen2 sama kluarga
tapi kadang aku bs sedih banget sampe nangis2 cuma gara2 satu msalah

kamu tau ga hidupitu bisa jadi sesuatu yang sempurna apabila kita terus jadi suatu org yg konsisten , dan hidup itu bisa jadi buruk banget kalau kt sendiri g bs ngertiin diri kita sendiri . :)